Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kellen, Mei, and the Cousins

Kellen and Mei are lucky.  In fact, I think that they are the luckiest kids on earth.  Why is that you might ask?  Well, because they have the four best cousins anyone could ask for.

For those of you who don't know my children well, there is Kellen who is 5 and a half, and Mei Li who is 3 and 3 months.  Kellen is a preschooler and will be attending Kindergarden next year.  He loves Legos, G.I. Joes, and Martial Arts.  Mei is a wonderful little three year old.  She loves crafts, games and to draw.  They are two very sweet children.

Mei dancing with a sword.  When your only sibling is a brother you better like swords!

Kellen, in classic dude pose, at ski school.  Snowbowl, AZ winter of 10/11.
The cousins, as they are affectionatly called, consist of four girls ranging from ages 12 down to 5.  Their parents, my sister Claudia and brother-in-law Blake, live in Phoenix.  Since the cousins are so close we have the opportunity to see them often.

The first and oldest cousin is Isabel.  Isabel, or Izzy as she is frequently called, is nothing short of amazing.  She is in the gifted program at school, can drive Mario Cart like a pro, and is in general one of the coolest kids around.

From left to right, Isabel, Caroline, Mei, Grace, and Charlotte.
The girls are at the turn around point on the Fay Canyon Hike in Sedona.

Next is Caroline.  Caroline, or Liner as her grandfather (Pop Perry) calls her, is just as amazing as her older sister.  Caroline is sharp as a tack in school, can run far and fast, is an amazing dancer and just might be Mei's favorite cousin.  Caroline is sweet and loves to beat Pop Perry at Wei bowling.

Caroline and Mei hiking in Fay Canyon, Sedona.
Third in line is Charlotte.  Charlotte is a sweet and affectionate girl.  She and Kellen love to play together and she also crushes at Mario Cart.  Charlotte is quite smart and quick witted.  I do believe that she made "I stepped on a duck" a house hold phrase for her family.  Charlotte is fun and we love her.

Kellen, Grace, and Charlotte in Fay Canyon, Sedona.
Last, but certainly not least is Grace.  Grace will probably be the kind of person who will be busy setting a world record for something one minute, then off to New Zealand to climb mountains the next.  Grace also loves to play with Kellen and she crushes at Wei bowling.  We love spending time with Grace.

Grace leading Kellen on a hiking adventure in Sedona.

All in all it is hard to believe that one house can hold these four, but it does. 

We love our cousins and can hardley wait to spend time with them again.

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